1. YouTube Course Available within the Discord($1000V):
community, offering valuable insights on content creation and
monetization strategies tailored for beginners to maximize their YouTube
channels from the start.

2. Pure Tone Frequency for Meditation and Mindfulness($200V):
Access to audio frequencies designed to enhance meditation and
mindfulness practices, promoting mental well-being and focus.

3. High Ticket Sales Opportunity Investment($1500V): Exclusive
access to a lucrative high-ticket sales opportunity, offering
significant income potential through remote online ventures.

4. Skills Training for Income Generation ($100V): Members receive
comprehensive training on various skills that can generate income, with
potential earnings ranging from $175 to $400 in booked or closed
meetings, providing financial flexibility and independence.

5. Personal Reading($233): Personalized readings offered at $233,
providing invaluable guidance and support to navigate personal and
professional challenges effectively, with a guaranteed satisfaction.

6. Digital Marketing Software and Agency($1000V): Access to
cutting-edge digital marketing software and agency services to optimize
businesses, saving time and money while maximizing growth and

7. Branding IQ Channel($180):

In-depth training covering various
aspects of branding, including Facebook ads, landing page optimization,
and starting a successful clothing brand, offering valuable insights
into brand development and promotion.

8. Affiliate Marketing for Clothing Brand ($500V) Free Sign Up:

Tailored affiliate marketing opportunities

for clothing brands, providing
additional income streams and avenues

for brand promotion. Our
ambassador program offers an 85% commission for each product sold from
our brand, available for sign-up.

9. Holistic Spiritual Growth ($80V): Offering a holistic approach
to personal growth, enabling individuals to reach their highest
potential energetically and spiritually.

10. Custom Embroidery and DTG Printing Business($3500V): Members looking
to start their brand can utilize this resource within the Wealthy
Mindset community, offering custom embroidery and direct-to-garment
(DTG) printing services on demand.

11. One-on-One Consultations with Mogul Isaiah($500V): Exclusive
access to personalized consultations and meetings with the owner
himself, offering invaluable advice and insights into achieving mastery Image
and success.

12. Engagement Rewards($100V): Incentives and rewards for active
participation and engagement within the community, fostering a
supportive and collaborative environment.

13. Free Giveaways:

Regular giveaways and promotions,
providing members with opportunities to receive valuable products and
resources at no cost.

14.Weekly Meetings and Mastermind Group($50V):

Engage in structured meetings
and mastermind sessions where

members can exchange ideas, receive
feedback, and collaborate on projects,

facilitating continuous learning
and growth. The price value reflects the coaching skills charged per hour.

15. Priceless Fun and Enjoyment:

Screen sharing activities,
games, and interaction with like-minded individuals, fostering a sense
of community and enjoyment.


SUBSCRIBERS (OPTIONAL): Exclusive products and offerings delivered in the mailbox

Coming Soon:

17. Health and Wealth Section ($330V):

Will offer insights and resources on physical and financial well-being, covering nutrition, exercise,

Financial Planner, and investment strategies.

Sea moss and other supplements will be available to local members.

Renaissance + Transcendence + SELF-WORTH

"I love my fit, you gotta have that.

Wealthy Mindset"

"Its nice, I like them."

"I'm wearing it right now under my shirt.

Just take the picture, bro."

"Glad I ran into you. I really like the hoodie.

I had to get one for me and my girl."

"It's comfortable, I'm wearing it right now!"

"Relaxing in my oneise, its smooth."

"We got wealthy mindset in the building."

"The sickest clothing brand I've seen out

here, had to get the full set logos fired."

"Appreciate the hat bro."

"With a wealthy mindset, I already know I will

be seeing beach sunsets again soon."

"Love supporting young entrepreneurs

in their journey."

"Made a custom purple ski mask for

my show came in super clutch."

"I really fuck wit the logo it's dope."

"So impactful, changed the way I see

and do things."

"Wish I got more stuff but I just got a


"everyone wants to be happy and wealthy"

"I am a proud supporter of wealthy mindset"

"gotta get me one of those

winter jackets fam"

"these were cute holy pistachios!!"

"Broski going hard with wealthy mindset."

"I wear them all the time; they're comfortable."

"I still have mine on, thanks for the bikini."

"Let's take a picture right now.

in the hoodie."

"Love these sock and spiritual wealth shirt

super dope get spiritual wealth hoodies."

"Mindset is everything bro."

"The jackets hard I f@#$ wit it still."

"My son loves the shorts."



"The kids love there Christmas gifts."

"Thanks for the sea moss and socks.

Can't wait to get my planner."

"I got a set for me and my man. Thank you."

"Keep going, I love

the message behind the brand."


"Ran into you at the mall

selling some drip wanted that shirt"

"I like the style and the logo"

"Been a part since the beginning,

wealthy mindset been going up ever since"

"Thanks for the hat fam, my boy

likes the brand too and says it's dope."

"What they glow in the dark?!!"

"Thanks for the sea moss

how do

I take this just on a spoon?"

"I actually love wealthy mindset."